I have opened the galleries on my website with all of my project and art images.


This is the first post to test blog platform.

A special highlight is the camper expansion, which offers a simple and solid sleeping option. This camping facility consists of a total of three rows of pillars, which form an extremely stable lying surface. In order to offer sufficient storage space, the underside of the extension has been left open.

Find the press release in Blekinge Läns Tidning, named 'Computer games can make us make better decisions' ('Datorspel kan få oss att fatta bättre beslut').

The ambiguity of teaching students at the university level starts with the educational system, at its start. The deep-learning approaches are often neglected for the sheer impulse to deliver a huge amount of content which students have to memorize. Not only that this attitude is not rewarding, but i...