There is a particular motivation to use psychophysiology in psychology, but is there the same enthusiasm for sociology? The method of measuring endocrine and peripheral neurophysiological responses for social psychologists and the ability to obtain answers continuously, covertly, and online. Online...
A Stirling engine is a heat engine that is operated by the cyclic compression and expansion of air or other gas (the working fluid) between different temperatures, resulting in a net conversion of heat energy to mechanical work. In this example, that mechanical work is converted to electricity.
Considering where your(Self) ends and the outside world starts, it gets tough to make this distinction. Is it just after our bones and skin that our(Self) ends, and the outside world begins? We can define the Self in a very Descartes way "I think therefore I am." In that case, I exist in some bounde...
Thus exploration rather than understanding is a better term for what multi-agent simulations can achieve. For example, your goal is to explore the functioning of a complex social system. In that case, your research design must stay between unattainable explanations and inadequate understanding. The...
Reductio ad absurdum (reduction to absurdity) is the form of argument that attempts to establish a claim by showing that the opposite scenario would lead to (a) absurdity or (b) contradiction. Note that absurdities also occur in these other possibilities (i.e., infinite regress, paradox, circulariti...
The three most common artifact types in RR time series are extra, missed, and ectopic beats, which generate short, long, and the sequences of short and long beat interval values, respectively [1].
Automatic approaches for the detection of erroneous beats can be divided into two categories, stati...
Novel mobile applications allow us to measure physiology outside in the field, in the 'wild' as scientists would call it. The reason for using the 'wild' pronoun is because the recording enviroment is not heavily controlled, as it would be in a regular research laboratory setting. Nevertheless, it a...
I will present here a good method to measure heart rate (HR) using sensor data and investigate the effect of feedback loops on HR rhythms.
I will show you answers to these specific questions:
Assuming you have in your possession a world-changing research paper which is a bit outdated, but groundbreaking nevertheless. You would like to find a more recent scientific work on the same topic. Dread no longer as we go through these few steps, leaving you with a research paper having an out-of-...
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